Sl. No. | Question/statement | Guna | Scores to be allotted |
KAPHA | |||
1 | Whether your skin remains oily throughout the year in
comparison to others? |
Snigdha | 120 |
2 | Are your body-hairs & skin shiny, even when no oil or
moisturizer is used? |
Shlakshna | 120 |
3 | Are you considered attractive among your friends? |
Mridu | 40 |
4 | Do even mild or trivial injuries on your body make
you upset? |
Mridu | 40 |
5 | Among your family members, is your complexion
considered fairer? |
Mridu | 40 |
6 | Do you think you have intense sexual desire? |
Madhura | 120 |
7 | Have you got well built muscles? |
Saara | 60 |
8 | Do you have soft, scanty, brown hair on your face,
body & head? |
Ushna | 17 |
9 | Do you change your body posture frequently? (You
cannot manage yourself in a stable posture for a long
duration.) |
Saara | 60 |
10 | Do you have a well-nourished & normally developed
body? (You are neither malnourished nor obese.) |
Sandra | 120 |
11 | Are you lazy and disinterested in activities like
morning walk/ jogging, swimming or any type of
outdoor games? |
Manda | 40 |
12 | Are you slow in consuming the food?
(Even after all have left the dining hall, you are still
consuming the same amount of food). |
Manda | 40 |
13 | When you go to morning walk or college or office, do
you walk slowly in comparison to others? |
Manda | 40 |
0/857 | |||
PITTA | |||
1 | Are you more comfortable in winter than summer? |
Ushna | 17 |
2 | Among your family members, is your complexion
considered fairer? |
Ushna | 17 |
3 | Does your temperature of oral cavity remain towards
upper limit of normal range? |
Ushna | 17 |
4 | Do you have excessive black moles, Freckles etc on
your skin?
Have you noticed new appearance of black moles
often on your skin? |
Ushna | 17 |
5 | Do you feel excessive hunger & thirst in comparison
to others? |
Ushna | 17 |
6 | Have you experienced premature graying, wrinkling
of skin & early baldness? |
Ushna | 17 |
7 | Do you involve yourself in risky & heroic activities
requiring physical strength often? |
Ushna | 24 |
8 | Do you have soft, scanty, brown hair on your face,
body & head? |
Ushna | 17 |
9 | Do you have ability to digest large quantities of food
easily? |
Tikshna | 24 |
10 | Do you take large quantities of food & drink in
comparison to others? |
Tikshna | 24 |
11 | Do you get easily irritated for small/negligible
problem in day-to-day life? |
Tikshna | 24 |
12 | Do you consume food more frequently than others?
(5-6 times/day) |
Tikshna | 24 |
13 | Do you have soft & loose muscle bulk especially
around the joints? |
Drava | 60 |
14 | In comparison to others do you pass urine & stool in
large quantities and do you perspire more? |
Drava | 60 |
15 | Do your friends complain of bad smell being emitted
from your body & mouth? |
Visra | 120 |
16 | Do you think you have intense sexual desire? |
Amla+ Katu | 120 |
0/599 | |||
VATA | |||
1 | Whether your skin remains dry throughout the year in
comparison to others? |
Ruksha | 30 |
2 | Is your body undernourished/ emaciated? |
Ruksha | 30 |
3 | Have you got rough, low, broken or obstructed voice? |
Ruksha | 30 |
4 | Does Your sleep last less than 6 hours per day? Or
Can your sleep be disturbed easily? |
Ruksha | 30 |
5 | Do you change walking speed & style from time to
time? |
Laghu | 40 |
6 | Do you keep changing your food habits from time to
time? |
Laghu | 40 |
7 | Do you keep changingyour walking / jogging habit
from time to time? |
Laghu | 40 |
8 | Do you keep your joints, eyes, eyebrows, jaw, lips,
tongue, head, Shoulder, hands & feet frequently
moving? |
Chala | 120 |
9 | Are you considered a talkative among your friends? |
Bahu | 60 |
10 | Do you have prominent veins & tendons all over the
body? |
Bahu | 60 |
11 | Do you generally start the work assigned to you
immediately? |
Shighra | 15 |
12 | Do you get irritated easily? (E.g., when you do not get
breakfast on time in your hostel or when the power
goes off while watching a cricket match or your favourite movie over television) |
Shighra | 15 |
13 | Do you get frightened easily? |
Shighra | 15 |
14 | Do you make friends easily & also lose them easily? |
Shighra | 15 |
15 | Do you generally learn things quickly?
Do you have a good grasping power? |
Shighra | 15 |
16 | Is your long term memory weak? (E.g., you can
remember only few names of your friends at your
primary school). |
Shighra | 15 |
17 | Are you more comfortable in summer?
Do you prefer hot/warm drinks over cold drinks? |
Shighra | 15 |
18 | Do you generally develop symptoms immediately
after exposure to common causative factors?(You are
easily caught by diseases like flu, allergy during
seasonal changes). |
Shighra | 15 |
19 | Do you shiver in winter season more than your
friends? |
Shita | 60 |
20 | Do you often feel stiffness in your body after exercise,
travelling? |
Shita | 60 |
21 | Are your nails, teeth, hands, feet and hairs on your
body and face rough? |
Parusha | 120 |
22 | Do you have cracks on the body especially on the
heels? |
Vishada | 60 |
23 | Are some crackling sounds produced in your joints
during movements? |
Vishada | 60 |
0/960 | |||
Final percentage scores for KAPHA | |||
Final percentage scores for PITTA | |||
Final percentage scores for VATA |
© 2023 Ashtavaidyan Thaikkattu Mooss Vaidyaratnam